In the Fall of 2010, "The Dylan Ratigan Show" on MSNBC set out to hit the road to report on some of the challenges and solutions facing the USA and the Willoughby team was brought in to spearhead the campaign, dubbed the "Steel on Wheels Tour."

The "Steel on Wheels Tour" traveled the USA in a Trailways bus to seek out places and solutions that were "working" in the United States such as the Hoover Dam which represented the height of American know-how or Omaha Central High where education is being re-defined or to St. Louis and the importance of the Mississippi River and to Seneca Falls the birthplace of women's rights.

At right is a link to the social media part of the tour which included forums seeking suggestions/solutions as well as online town meetings which were streamed on a variety of partner networks/services.

FROM SENECA FALLS ... TO PHILLY... TO AUSTIN ... TO SEATTLE ... to saint louis ...TO OMAHA... 



Coming off the success of the Steel on Wheels Tour,  the team led by Dylan Ratigan hit the road again. This time no bus and spending three days in five different cities. All in the search to get America working again and find out where the next generation of job wealth and economic prosperity lies in America 

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The "steel" sequel: "the 30 million jobs tour"